Final Alebrijes

FINAL ALEBRIJES .jpgArtist Statment:

I decided to create this type of alebrijes because I love elephants, beavers, and parrots. His name is Wooly, he missed his bus because he was sitting on the sidewalk admiring the flowers and clouds. This compares to myself in a lot of ways because I get easily distracted and I embrace the little things in life that most people take advantage of. I also get left behind mainly, but i always find a way to come back ten times better than i get left.


  1. Which person is Mathew? How do you know?     -Mathew is the man pointing at himself, I notice this because the man with the halo is pointing at him as well.
  2. How has Mathew been emphasized?  Value, color, size, isolation or dominate pathway?     -Matthew emphasized color and dominate pathway
  3. Explain your answer to number 2. (Example: St. Mathew is blue which is in contrast to all the greens in the painting.) .    -The color because of the sunlight and shadows. Dominate pathway because everything points to him.
  4. Renaissance artist employed a painting technique called chiaroscuro, dramatic lighting. Let’s analyze Caravaggio’s use of lighting to create a 3D effect.
    1. Where is the single light source located?     -The sun is the only light source
    2. All the highlights are what side of the figures?    -The highlights are facing Mathew, on the right side
    3. All the shadows are on what side of the figures?     -The shadows are on the left of the figures
    4. All the cast shadows are on what side of the figures?    -The cast shadows are coming from the light reflection.
    5. Where is light reflecting onto a surface that the light source can’t shine on?       -The ground is reflecting the light that is hitting underneath the table.