Mandala WS

  1. The word mandala comes from what language?
    Hindu and Buddhist
  2. When translated, mandala  means … “disk
  3. What do they look like? A circle with a flower or some type of pattern
  4. How are mandalas used in Hindu and Buddhist traditions?   a spiritual and ritual symbol in Indian religions, representing the universe. In common use, “mandala” has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe
  5. Celtic Spiral
  6. Celtic KnotImage result for Celtic knot mandala
  7. Christian Rose Window
  8. Hindu Yantras 
  9. Labyrinth
  10. Native American Dream catcherImage result for Native American Dream catcher mandala
  11. Tibetan Sand Mandalas
  12. Mayan calendar
  13. Who was Carl J. Jung? He was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of the school of psychology. He developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality and the collective unconscious
  14. Why did he have his patients draw mandalas?

” According to Jung, “In such cases it is easy to see how the severe pattern imposed by a circular image of this kind compensates the disorder of the psychic state– namely through the construction of a central point to which everything is related, or by a concentric arrangement of the disordered multiplicity and of contradictory and irreconcilable elements. This is evidently an attempt at self-healing on the part of Nature, which does not spring from conscious reflection but from an instinctive impulse.”

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